Get Balanced
If you are looking for balance restoration, Next Step Strategies can help you achieve your goal with Reiki.
What is Reiki?
• A system using subtle energy through either laying on of hands or non-local (distance) methods
• A modality that promotes the body’s ability to heal itself
• May reduce stress and pain.
• Hospitals utilizing Reiki as a complement to their care include:
-Columbia University Medical Center
-Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
-CentraState Medical Center
-Morristown Memorial Hospital & many more
• Chemotherapy and radiation patients receiving Reiki often experience a decrease in side effects
• One-on-one sessions, workshops, lectures are available. Also, great for pets.
• Ask about how you can take a Reiki class or have a session
Through natural methodologies, you can encourage your mind, body, and spirit to:
• Be More Energetic
• Reduce Stress
• Minimize Pain
• Revitalize
These practices and techniques do not diagnose or cure illness nor do Next Step Strategies, LLC make any claims as such.
Appointments- Call 609-752-1048
Join our Online Classes in Holistic Wellness or T'ai Chi Chih.